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Amundi Age Trend Mixed Fund of Funds



Has it ever occurred to you that, beyond the perceivable problems, population ageing hides opportunities as well? The proportion of elderly people keeps rising; moreover, this growth trend is seen to accelerate.1 An increasingly significant part of the economy deals with serving the needs of elderly people, offering an excellent investment opportunity. This is what Amundi’s new fund, the Amundi Age Trend Mixed Fund of Funds (the “Fund”) seeks to leverage.

Fund features
Investment objective and strategy
How can you invest in the Amundi Age Trend Mixed Fund of Funds?
Major risks

Related documents

Important information

The Fund is managed by Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt. (the “Fund Manager”) (operating licence numbers: III/100.001-5/2002, III/100.001-6/2003, H-EN-III-1120/2012, and H-EN-III-136/2014). The distributor of the investment units of the Fund is UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt. (the “Distributor”) (operating licence number: I-1523/2003), a member of the Budapest Stock Exchange.

Pursuant to Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital Market and Act XVI of 2014 on Collective Investment Undertakings and Their Managers, and on the Amendment of Certain Financial Acts, the information provided here qualifies as commercial communication and, pursuant to Act CXXXVIII of 2007 on Investment Firms and Commodity Dealers, and on the Regulations Governing Their Activities, the information provided here qualifies as marketing communication.

This commercial communication does not provide comprehensive information on the Fund and the terms and conditions of distribution, and it does not qualify as an offer, investment advice or recommendation.

Before making your investment decision, please consider the instrument you wish to invest in and the related risks, the fees charged for the transaction, and the potential losses that might arise from the investment. To this effect, please study thoroughly the official Prospectus, Management Policy and Key Investor Information Document (KIID) of the Fund approved by the National Bank of Hungary (the “Supervisory Authority”) currently in effect, which are available in the Fund Manager’s website (, the Distributor’s website (, and the website operated by the Supervisory Authority for the purpose of publications (www. (collectively, the “Publication Venues”). Before the investment, please also read carefully the Distributor’s List of Terms & Conditions and General Business Conditions currently in effect—including among others the terms and conditions of the distribution of investment units and the relevant subscription and redemption fees—which are available at the points of sale as well as in the Distributor’s website. The regular reporting obligations concerning the Fund shall be fulfilled on behalf of the Fund by the Fund Manager through the publication of the annual and semi-annual reports and monthly portfolio reports at the Publication Venues.

Please note that the return on your investment and the original value of the investment will fluctuate, as a result of which the investment units held by investors may also be worth more or less than the amount paid when they were purchased. The historical returns of funds do not represent any guarantee for their future performance.

This document does not cover comprehensively the tax consequences related to the purchase, keeping or sale of the units of the Fund, and does not qualify as tax law advice. For the evaluation of the tax considerations related to your investment decision, please consult a tax advisor or expert.

This commercial communication is disclosed in the website of the Fund Manager ( and the Distributor (

Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt. - member of the Amundi Group / Registered office: 1011 Budapest, Fő u. 14. III. em., Phone: +36 1 577 4200 / E-mail: / Information on the funds:, / Information on the Distributor:


1 Source: CPR AM, and United Nations publication “World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision”.
CPR Invest is an investment firm established under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as an UCITS (Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) that has several sub-funds (société d’investissement à capital variable, SICAV). This sub-fund of the investment firm carries the risk of capital loss, and no conclusions may be drawn from its historical performance about its future performance.
The fund is managed in an active manner, and the selected sectors may change over time.
Expenditure per capital ratio of persons aged 65+ and aged 25-64, comparison between countries, source: CPR AM and National Transfer Accounts.
Asset management company Amundi Asset Management SAS (90 boulevard Pasteur - 75015 Paris - France - 437 574 452 RCS Paris - is supervised by the French financial markets authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers – “AMF”), the number of its operating license is GPM 04000036, and its subscribed capital is EUR 746,262,615. Asset management company CPR AM (90 boulevard Pasteur, 75015 Paris - France – 399 392 141 RCS Paris, operates under the license of AMF, the number of its operating license being GP 01-056, and its subscribed capital being EUR 53,445,705.
Sources: CPR AM analysis, based on 1996-2015 data. The sample consisted of the approximately 600 exchange-listed companies included in the potential investment list of the fund, i.e. the companies constituting the fund’s investment universe.

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