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Increase your savings to suit you!

You will find regular and one-off savings opportunities in the UniCredit product range where your money can gain interest in the long term.

Do you want to set aside some money every month to achieve your goals?

Little and often fills the purse! You can achieve this with the UniCredit Regular Savings Program. You can choose from a security or a deposit based scheme, in line with your goals. Please check the details!

Do you want to secure your retirement years?

Prepare consciously for your retirement! The Retirement Savings Accounts allow you to avail of the State's advance saving subsidy. Please check the details!

Are you confident that your savings will not be needed for years?

In the long term you can even enjoy tax exemption! Investing your savings in a Long-term Investment Contract (TBSz) means you will be able to decrease the ancillary costs. Please check the details!

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