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Dear Client,


We wish to give you a general overview of the developments and modifications that we plan to implement in the course of 2019 due to changes in the applicable legal regulations.  We are certain that these improvements will make your bank transactions easier, faster and safer.

Real-time payment

At present, our Bank is working on the implementation of the real-time (instant) transfer system, in line with the provisions of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (the Central Bank of Hungary). The aim of this service is to enable the performance of electronically submitted transfer orders involving Hungarian payment accounts within 5 seconds (as long as their amount does not exceed HUF 10 million). The service is planned to be available 24/7/365 from 1 July 2019. Additionally, from that day on, you will be able to initiate a transfer via electronic channels to a mobile phone number or an e-mail address instead of an account number.


From September on, the application of the provisions of the new EU Directive on payment services (2015/2366/EU, PSD2) concerning strong customer authentication and secure communication will become compulsory. This regulation allows for the development of new, innovative services and facilitates the entry of new service providers to the financial market.

  • As far as our clients are concerned, one of the key elements is that the so-called Account Information Service Providers and Payment Initiation Service Providers may access – but solely with the explicit consent of the account holder – the account details stored in the banks’ systems, or may even initiate payment from the accounts managed by the bank.
  • Another element of the change, which directly affects our clients, is the introduction of the two-factor authentication (the so-called strong customer authentication) in our electronic channels, which will further enhance the safety of the bank transactions.
  • Due to this latter change, those clients who currently approve their online payment transactions using a physical token will need to replace this device. Mobile Tokens offer an even simpler solution than physical tokens, and this function is available via the UniCredit Mobile application. With the mToken it is very easy to generate a code for logging onto the internet bank and also for signing an order. For further details please see.
  • In order to comply with the requirements of strong customer authentication, the process of bankcard transactions will also change.


In the near future, we shall contact you in a personalised message about the actual changes depending on the interface and the financial services and authentication that you use at our bank.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service or visit any of our branches, where they will be glad to be of assistance.


Sincerely yours:

UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.

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