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Choose one of our account packages and enjoy having your bank come to your door.

If you open a Mobil Aktív Plusz or an Ikon Plusz account package online now, we will credit the full monthly account-handling fee to your account for six months, and you can even get a one-time refund of HUF 35 000 if you meet the conditions.

  • Basic Account
  • Mobil Aktív Plusz
  • Ikon Plusz

Basic Account

1 219 HUF

/month* – UDRI: 0.01%

free services

in the package:

  • Mobile application and Internet banking services 1
  • Mastercard Standard or Gold Debit Card Issuer and annual Membership fee 2
  • Monthly 2 statutory domestic ATM cash withdrawals, max. up to HUF 150 000 3
  • Monthly 4 pcs domestic transfers in HUF 4
  • Unlimited Direct debits and Standing orders up to HUF 100 000/month 4
With a one-time refund of HUF 35 000*

Mobil Aktív Plusz

Even 0 HUF

/month* – UDRI: 0.01% (with refund)

mobil active
free services

in the package:

  • Mobile application and Internet banking services 1
  • Mastercard Standard Debit Card Issuer and first year Membership fee with refund 2
  • Monthly 2 statutory domestic ATM cash withdrawals, max. up to HUF 150 000 3
  • Domestic transfers in HUF via mobile application 4
  • Direct debits and Standing orders in HUF 4
With a one-time refund of HUF 35 000*

Ikon Plusz

Even 0 HUF

/month* – UDRI: 0.01% (with refund)

free services

in the package:

  • Mobile application and Internet banking services 1
  • Mastercard Gold Debit Card Issuer and first year Membership fee with refund 2
  • Monthly 4 domestic cash withdrawals from UniCredit ATM, as a special offer 3
  • Domestic transfers in HUF via Mobile Application and Internet banking 4
  • Direct debits and Standing orders in HUF 4

Additional types of Account Packages for private individuals

To whom do we offer the Student Account?


to young people aged 14-26, who are

  • high school students, looking for an account for their pocket money, or
  • university or college students, and have their scholarships transferred to it, or
  • career starters with their first salary, or
  • looking for a preferential account package.

If the user is under 18 years of age, a legal guardian must be present and sign the account, and the account may be used with limited discretion within certain limits.

Please check the details!


The information is not comprehensive and is not a contractual offer. The detailed description of the account and deposit agreement, products and services are included in the Announcements and List of Conditions of UniCredit Bank for retail customers, and the General Terms and Conditions,  as well as the Rules of Retail Business and the Business Rules on Bank Cards,  which are available at UniCredit branches or at the website. The Bank reserves the right to amend the conditions.

We draw the attention of all interested parties to the MNB consumer protection website and the information guides, comparison and choice tools available there (bank account selector, national branch and ATM locator, fee list comparator), as well as the MNB Financial Navigator, where you will find further useful information for financial decisions.

* The monthly account-handling fee is charged for each started month.      

The Basic Account package is provided by our bank in accordance with Decree 262/2016 on access to the basic account, characteristics of the basic account and remuneration. (VIII. 31.) in accordance with the provisions of the Government Decree (the Government Decree).

According to a legal provision1, a Basic Account may be opened by retail customers entitled to reside in an EEA state who do not have a payment account maintained in Hungary with UniCredit Bank or any other payment service provider and have no right to dispose of such forint accounts or if they already have a payment account maintained in HUF, or with the right to dispose of such an account, they declare that this payment account has been terminated or the right of disposal has been terminated.      

The Basic Account monthly account-handling fee of the account may not exceed 1.5% of the minimum monthly gross wage, currently valid on the last day of the year preceding the due date, fixed in the Government Decree in force at any time. The monthly account-handling fee will be charged after each month started. 
As part of the promotion, the monthly account management fee for Mobil Aktív Plusz in the framework of Online Account Opening or Online Account Application is HUF 0 for 6 months. The debited account management fee is credited in full by the Bank to your account by the last banking day of the month following the debit. The promotion is valid until 31.08.2025 In addition, if you open a Mobil Aktív Plusz account package as part of the promotion and meet the conditions, you may receive a one-time refund of HUF 35 000. For more details on the promotion, please read the applicable announcement.

The standard monthly account-handling fee for the Mobil Aktív Plusz account package is HUF 2 613/month/bank account. The monthly account-handling fee for the Mobil Aktív Plusz account package will be debited from the customer's bank account for the given month. Providing that in the current month:

- credit of at least HUF 75 000 (not including transfers between their own accounts) is credited to the account, then HUF 1 163 of the account-handling fee will be credited to their bank account the following month. The discounted monthly account-handling fee is HUF 1 450.
- credit of at least HUF 150 000 (not including transfers between their own accounts) is credited to the account, then HUF 1 887 of the account-handling fee will be credited to their bank account the following month. The discounted monthly account-handling fee is HUF 726.
- credit of at least HUF 300 000 (not including transfers between their own accounts) is credited to the account, then HUF 2 250 of the account-handling fee will be credited to their bank account the following month. The discounted monthly account-handling fee is HUF 363.
If none of the above crediting conditions are met, no partial amount will be credited from the account-handling fee.
For the Mobil Aktív Plusz account package - in the event of a new account opening - the Bank shall not check the fulfilment of the above crediting conditions in the month of opening the account and the following month, and shall not charge a monthly account-handling fee for the account in these two months.

As part of the promotion, the monthly account management fee for Ikon Plusz in the framework of Online Account Opening or Online Account Application is HUF 0 for 6 months. The debited account management fee is credited in full by the Bank to your account by the last banking day of the month following the debit. The promotion is valid until 31.08.2025 In addition, if you open an Ikon Plusz account package as part of the promotion and meet the conditions, you may receive a one-time refund of HUF 20,000. For more details on the promotion, please read the applicable announcement.

The standard monthly account-handling fee for the Ikon Plusz account package is HUF 6 503/month, which will be debited from the Account Holder's bank account for the given month. If in the current month the customer fulfils any of the following credit conditions, HUF 3 251 will be credited from the amount of the account-handling fee in the following month as part of a promotion:

- a credit of at least HUF 400 000 (not including transfers between their own accounts) is credited to the account in the current month,
- the Account Holder has an average savings balance of at least HUF 5 000 000 with the Bank during the current month, based on the closing balances at the end of the day.
If the Account Holder has an average savings balance of at least HUF 30 000 000 with the Bank during the current month, based on the closing balances at the end of the day, then the full amount of the account-handling fee will be credited to the bank account in the following month as part of a promotion.
When calculating the savings, the bank considers the sight balance of accounts held at UniCredit Bank, the balance of term deposits – for FX deposits, the HUF balance calculated at the MNB FX middle rate valid on the given day – and the current market value of the available aggregate closing portfolio of securities accounts held at UniCredit Bank. The promotions are valid until 31.08.2025

1 The normal fee for a single entry for a mobile application service is HUF 2 000, which the Bank does not charge as a special offer. The normal fee for the service is HUF 201 / month, which the Bank does not charge as a special offer, if the customer successfully logs in to the mobile application service at least once in a given calendar month. The promotion is valid until 31.08.2025

The normal one-time fee for the Internet banking service is HUF 2 000; The normal monthly fee is HUF 201, which the Bank does not charge as a special offer. The promotion is valid until 31.08.2025

2 For the Basic Account package one of the Mastercard Standard and Mastercard Gold debit debit cards can be requested as a main card free of charge for an Issuer and an annual Card Membership Fee. You can find out about the normal issuer and annual membership fees of bank cards from the list of retail Bank Card conditions in force at any time.

The issuer fee of the Mastercard Standard main card applied for the Mobil Aktív Plusz and Student Account under the promotion within the framework of the Online Account Opening or Online Account Application will not be charged by the Bank, and the first annual membership fee will be credited within 30 calendar days after the date of debiting it. The promotion is valid for cards applied for until 31.08.2025 The non-promotional issuer fee for the Mobil Aktív Plusz account is HUF 7 627 and the annual membership fee is HUF 10 123; for the Diákszámla Zéró Account, the non-promotional issuer fee is HUF 7 832 and the annual membership fee is HUF 10 395. The issuer fee for the Ikon Plusz account package is HUF 0 and the annual membership fee is HUF 8 721. The membership fee will be charged once a year, in arrears. Calculation method: 0.1% of the amount of successful and cleared annual purchases made with the bankcard during the 12 months preceding the due date, with a minimum of the amount indicated. As a special offer, the Bank will not charge the minimum amount indicated above. The promotion is valid until 31.08.2025 The issuer fee for the Mastercard Gold applied for the Ikon Plusz account under the promotion within the framework of the Online Account Opening or Online Account Application will not be charged by the Bank, and the first annual membership fee will be credited within 30 calendar days after the date of debiting it. The promotion is valid for cards applied for until 31.08.2025 Non-promotional issuer fee: HUF 28 793; membership fee: HUF 33 591 For Mobil Aktív Plusz account package, the issuer fee is HUF 28 037 and the membership fee is HUF 32 709.  The membership fee will be charged once a year, in arrears. Calculation method: 0.1% of the amount of successful and cleared annual purchases made with the bankcard during the 12 months preceding the due date, with a minimum of the amount indicated. As a special offer, the Bank will not charge the minimum amount indicated above. The promotion is valid until 31.08.2025

The Bank provides the possibility of cash withdrawals free of charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 36/A of Act LXXXV of 2009 on the Provision of Payment Services and the provisions of the Decree of the Minister of National Economy No. 53/2013 (29 November) NGM. A declaration for a free cash withdrawal may only be made by the holder of the account concerned who meets the legal preconditions and only in respect of one payment account, at a branch or, if the account concerned is connected to the Internet Banking service, via the Internet Banking Service interface. If the Customer indicates the bank account concerned on the declaration by giving the bank card number, the discount will be secured on the bank account set as primary collateral behind the card. In the case of a valid declaration submitted by the 20th day of a given month, you are entitled to withdraw cash free of charge from the following calendar month, and from the second calendar month in the case of a declaration submitted after the 20th day of the month. The Customer is entitled to withdraw cash free of charge via an ATM. The order of free transactions is determined by the actual time of the cash withdrawal. If the combined amount of the first two transactions included in the above free of charge scope exceeds HUF 150 000, the amount above this amount will be charged at the % of the standard transaction fee, taking the maximum fee rate into account. If the customer makes unauthorized use of the free cash withdrawal facility or provides false information in the declaration, the Bank is entitled to claim the fee or cost of the free cash withdrawal retroactively in one amount within the legal framework referred to.

With the Ikon Plusz account package – without a declaration for a free cash withdrawal -, cash withdrawals from UniCredit ATMs in Hungary are free of charge 4 times a month. The fee specified above is offered by the Bank as part of a promotional offer. The promotion is valid until 31.08.2025 The Bank applies free of charge ATM transactions (initiated using a debit card or mCash service) – their number is stipulated for each account package – for transactions according to their booking date. The transaction is taken into account in the month in which it is booked. The standard (non-promotional) cash withdrawal fee at a domestic UniCredit ATM using a debit card for Maestro, MasterCard Unembossed, MasterCard Standard, Visa Classic, MasterCard Gold, Visa Gold: 0.783%, min HUF 336; for Premium Banking Embossed MasterCard bankcards 0.459% min. HUF 156. The standard cash withdrawal fee at other domestic ATMs for Maestro, MasterCard Unembossed, MasterCard Standard, Visa Classic, MasterCard Gold, Visa Gold is 1.38% + HUF 756, minimum HUF 1014; for Premium Banking Embossed MasterCard 0.945% + HUF 642, minimum HUF 724. The fee for a standard (non-promotional) cash withdrawal at a domestic UniCredit ATM using the mCash service is 1.34% with a minimum of HUF 383.

For the Basic Account package, four occasional transfer orders executed in the same calendar month, as well as an unlimited number of standing transfer orders, up to a maximum of HUF 100 000 per month in total, are free of charge. In the case of an occasional transfer order, the fees of the UniCredit Bank Retail List of Conditions Bonus account package in force at any given time shall apply to the fee for transactions exceeding the number indicated above and in case of an occasional / permanent transfer order, the difference shall be applied. The Bank takes into account the fee-free condition of transactions executed on the basis of a transfer order on the basis of the accounting order of the transactions.

For the Mobil Aktív Plusz account package, regular and occasional domestic transfers in HUF (within and outside the bank) via Mobile application are free of charge for an unlimited number of transfers. And group direct debit orders, for example for the direct debit of an unlimited number of utility bills, are also free of charge.

No fee, no charge services in the Ikon Plusz account package: you can make an unlimited number of HUF transfers within and outside the bank through our electronic channels. You can issue an unlimited number of direct debit orders and regular transfer orders (in HUF).

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