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With a mixed portfolio, you can benefit from the profits of companies shaping the future

Disruption means new solutions that are simpler, cheaper, more sustainable or faster than their predecessors and which reshape their own markets or users’ behaviour.
Disruptive companies radically rewrite the rules in their sectors, creating new markets or thoroughly transforming the existing ones.
They dismantle existing structures and finally take a leading role. The Amundi Disruptive Companies Mixed Fund of Funds offers you the opportunity to share in this growth and to do so at a level of risk below that of equity funds. The Fund aims to maximise its yield within the recommended timeframe of at least three years through extensive diversification and active asset allocation, with medium risk.




Important notice

This Fund is managed by Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt. (hereinafter: “Fund Manager”), license Nos.: III/100.001-5/2002., and III/100.001-6/2003., H-EN-III-1120/2012., and H-EN-III-136/2014. The investment units of the Fund are distributed by UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt. (hereinafter: “Distributor”), license No.: I-1523/2003., a member of the Budapest Stock Exchange.

This information qualifies as commercial communication according to Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital Market and Act XVI of 2014 on Collective Investment Trusts and Their Managers, and on the Amendment of Financial Regulations, and as marketing communication according to Act CXXXVIII of 2007 on Investment Firms and Commodity Dealers, and on the Regulations Governing their Activities.

This commercial communication does not provide comprehensive information about the Fund or the distribution conditions, it does not qualify as an offer, investment advice or recommendation.

Before making your investment decision, please consider the object, risks and fees of this investment as well as any potential losses from such an investment. Accordingly, please read carefully the effective official Prospectus and Management Rules of this Fund and Key Investor Information Document (KIID), as approved by the National Bank of Hungary (hereinafter: “Regulatory Authority”), which are available on the websites of the Fund Manager ( and the Distributor ( and the website operated by the Regulatory Authority (hereinafter jointly: Places of Publication). Prior to making an investment, please also read the Distributor’s prevailing List of Conditions and Business Terms, which state the conditions, as amended from time to time, for the distribution of the investment units as well as the distribution and redemption fees; these documents are available at the places of distribution and on the Distributor’s website. On behalf of the Fund, the Fund Manager must satisfy the obligation of regular reporting on the Fund by publishing annual and semi-annual reports and the monthly portfolio reports accessible at the Places of Publication.

Please note that yields from the investment and the original investment value will fluctuate, i.e. if investors sell investment units, these may be worth more or less than the amount paid for their original purchase. The past yields of the funds do no constitute a guarantee for the future performance of the funds.

This document does not include a comprehensive discussion of the tax implications of buying, holding or selling the investment units in the Fund, nor does it qualify as advice on taxation law. Please consult a tax advisor or expert regarding the tax considerations for your investment decision.

This commercial communication was published on the websites of the Fund Manager ( and the Distributor (

Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt., a member of Amundi Group / Registered office: 1011 Budapest, Fő u. 14. III., Tel: +36 1 577 4200 / E-mail:, / Information about the Distributor:


1This is a set of corporate equities that match our investment policy and are monitored by the portfolio managers to see if it is worth buying them for the fund’s portfolio.

2 Naturally, not all sectors are included in the portfolio at all times and investment in a particular sector does not guarantee that investors will benefit fully from the sector’s performance.

3 Our sub-fund aims to focus on disruptive firms and their performance, so its performance may significantly deviate from the indices which typically reflect the performance of the global equity markets (e.g. MSCI World). Diversification does not guarantee profit nor does it protect against loss.

4The asset management company Amundi Asset Management SAS (90 Boulevard Pasteur -75015 Paris- France - 437 574 452 RCS Paris. - is supervised by the French securities market authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers – “AMF”), licence number: GPM 04000036, subscribed capital: EUR 746,262,615. The asset management company CPR AM (90 Boulevard Pasteur, 75015 Paris - France – 399 392 141 RCS Paris, operates under licence from the AMF, licence number: GP 01-056, subscribed capital: EUR 53,445,705.

5Source: CPR AM disclosure.

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