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Our Partner packages provide preferential services for both employers and employees, help you managing your finances easily and also provide several discounts.

Our Partner packages are available for those employees, whose employer signs a Cooperation Agreement with our bank, or become entitled any other way.

In our Partner service we provide a dedicated banking consultant who

  • is available personally at your workplace at regular hours,
  • provides assistance in switching banks if an employee would like to benefit from the UniCredit discounts.


Please contact our advisor at your workplace or make enquiries about the details of the discounts at your employer.

What does the Partner service offer for you?

Discounts in everyday finances
Flexible help with your loans
Various savings opportunities


Related documents:

Special conditions for UniCredit Partner Aktív Plusz and Partner Ikon Plusz Packages
Employer’s Certification – For Partner Packages (in Hungarian)
Employer’s Certification – Full, for other products (in Hungarian)


For the detailed terms and conditions and a description of bank account contracts and deposit contracts, see the bank’s currently valid List of Conditions, its announcement and business rules for the given product, which are available on our website and at our branches.


The Responsible Lending and Banking Terms and Definitions in Hungarian may help you become more knowledgeable on contracting a loan, while at the website of the Hungarian National Bank’s Financial Customer Protection Centre you can find product descriptions that help you make responsible decisions, as well as applications that help you make comparisons. Please make a responsible and prudent decision with respect to taking out a loan, taking your income into account. During the term of the loan you have to hold an account with UniCredit Bank. A property insurance for the real estate serving as collateral, encumbered with a lien for our bank are the conditions for the disbursement of the mortgage loan.


The APR has been determined in consideration of the current conditions and the prevailing legal provisions and may be modified in the event of any changes in such conditions. With regard to loans with variable interest rates, the APR will not reflect the interest rate risk of the loan.


The conditions for the aforementioned loan products are outlined in UniCredit Bank’s List of Conditions for private customers and the bank’s announcements on the conditions for loans extended to private individuals (“Announcement – The conditions for loans extended by UniCredit bank Hungary Zrt. to private individuals”). The bank reserves the right to amend conditions. The bank makes a decision on the extension of the loan based on the submitted documents, according to the currently valid List of Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions, the Rules of Retail Business and the Business Rules on Bank Cards, on the basis of its own credit assessment. The List of Conditions and the Announcements are available both at the branch network of UniCredit Bank and on the website.

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