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Standard FX deposit with standard interest rates. A fixed FX deposit is a stable form of savings with a calculable interest rate.

Who can benefit from the UniCredit standard FX deposits? Those who:

  • wish to be exempt from the effects of exchange rate fluctuations,
  • wish to get their money later in FX,
  • wish to increase their savings in a safe form,
  • prefer calculable interest rates and foreseeable periods.

How can you initiate a deposit commitment?
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The minimum amount that can be committed is EUR 1,000 in the case of EUR, USD 1,000 in the case of USD, CHF 3,000 in the case of CHF and GBP 1,500 in the case of GBP.

This information is not exhaustive; for further information please check the currently valid Announcement – on-demand and term deposits, UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.’s interest conditions for private individuals and its List of conditions for private individuals. The detailed description of the deposit contract is included in the General Business Conditions.

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