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Loan Repayment Mortgage Loan


With our loan repayment mortgage loan you can settle your debts or decrease the instalments of your home or other loan. This new loan offers lower instalments and redeems your other loan. In this way you can reduce your monthly expenses and installments. If you have several loans, you can combine them into one and so repayment will be more transparent and simplier and your finances will be more manageable. APR: 7,30-7,77%1


Representative example with Active discount: In the case of a loan of HUF 12 000 000 for the purposes of home loan redemption with a market interest rate, with a lien registered on a property, with a 10-year interest rate period, the loan’s interest rate varies in each interest rate period,  the total amount payable by the consumer, which, in addition to the standard interest rate, is composed of the following fee related to the transfer of the loan amount: HUF 25 000, fee for property registration procedure: HUF 12,600 per item; (lien registration request), fee for the title deed requested from the Takarnet system: HUF 3,000 per item).

  • The purpose of home loan redemption granted for a term of 20 years, the number of instalments is 240 months p.a: 6,95%, the monthly instalments in the first interest rate period total HUF 93 550, the APR1 may change in the additional interest rate periods as the interest rate changes, APR1: 7,30%,  the total credit fee: HUF 10 467 950, total amount payable by the consumer: HUF 22 467 950.
  • The purpose of other loan redemption granted for a term of 10 years, the number of instalments is 120 months p.a: 10,10%, the monthly instalments in the first interest rate period total: HUF 160 957, the APR1 may change in the additional interest rate periods as the interest rate changes, APR1: 10,77%, the total credit fee: HUF 7 326 416 total amount payable by the consumer: HUF 19 326 416.

The premium of the property insurance policy taken for the property used as collateral is not known to the creditor, and is therefore not included in the APR.

The APR has been determined with respect to the current conditions, prevailing legal provisions and the Active discount applicable for the whole term of the loan in the case of performance of the contractual conditions, and may be altered if the change; the APR does not reflect the interest rate risk of loans with variable interest rates.

This information is not comprehensive. This information does not qualify as an offer; all the data stated herein are for information purposes only. The Bank reserves the right to make modifications. This information does not constitute any obligation for the bank to approve and disburse the loan. The bank assesses the applicant’s assets and income and the collateral value of the property securing the loan based on its own Loan Approval Regulations and the prevailing legal regulations. The terms and conditions of the loan product and any other conditions are included in the Bank’s Business Regulations for Retail Clients and the announcements under the title of “Conditions for Loans provided by UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt. for Private Customers” as well as the List of Conditions.


1 The APR has been determined with respect to the current conditions, prevailing legal provisions and the Active discount applicable for the whole term of the loan in the case of performance of the contractual conditions, and may be altered if the conditions - in the case of reference rate-based interest rates also including a change in the reference rate - change; the APR does not reflect the interest rate risk of loans with variable interest rates.

3 The actual loan amount may not exceed 80% of the market value of the property also accepted by the bank. The bank calculates the disbursable loan amount based on the market value by applying the relevant legal regulations, an individual assessment and following the valuation of the property.

5 Transfers between your own accounts are not considered for the requirement of the Active-, discount.

6 All of the HUF transactions below that are launched/initiated shall be regarded as purchase activities: if you make any purchases within Hungary using any POS terminal, or place an order through the internet, or place a phone order and such transaction appears as an item recorded in your account statement for the given period.

7 The Generali loan insurance can be concluded by the client as an insured party by joining a group loan insurance concluded by the Bank as a contracting party, and such insurance has to be maintained during the whole term of the loan with continuous premium payment.

8 The APR has been determined in consideration of the current conditions and the prevailing legal provisions, and may be modified in the event of any changes in interest rates.

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