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Card Solutions

For business clients, our bank provides safe and technologically advanced bankcard acceptance services, including the traditional physical and the latest internet based, so called virtual bank card acceptance services. Through these services it is possible to reduce the cost of cash handling, to improve the security level of your cash and to provide a comfortable method of payment to your customers. In addition, those paying by bank cards usually spend more, thus bank card acceptance may increase your revenues as well.


Changes in the SZÉP (Széchenyi Leasure) Card acceptance in connection with the Government Decree 178/2021. (IV.15.). Please find the related announcement of UniCredit Bank here.

Online application

Dear Madam/Sir

Thank you for your interest in our Card Acceptance service. To apply for a Physical (POS) or Virtual ( vPOS) Card Acceptance, please complete the form below.

We kindly ask for your patience, our
colleagues contact you soon.

Best regards:

UniCredit Bank

SoftPOS application

Dear Madam/Sir

Thank you for your interest in the SoftPOS card acceptance application. By downloading the application, you can turn your device into a secure, card-accepting terminal that allows you to receive contactless payments using your smartphone or tablet.

For additional information about the service please visit this page.

Best regards:

UniCredit Bank

Physical Card Acceptance (POS)

UniCredit Bank offers physical POS terminals capable of accepting various popular types of bank cards (such as Maestro, MasterCard, VISA) including chip cards, and several other types of plastics – for instance Hungarian Health Cards, or SZÉP Cards as well.

The contactless card acceptance service of UniCredit Bank enables your store to accept either contactless cards and other contactless payment devices, (like sticker or watch) or mobile phones via contactless cards stored in the mobile wallet application. This method of payment provides a fast and secure alternative to replace small amount cash purchases; furthermore, by now it has become the most innovative method for the payment of the consideration of goods or services for transactions of any amount.


A wide selection of different physical POS terminal types ensures the smooth operation of card processing. The quality of the service depends on the available communication network. Following all transactions processed by UniCredit Bank we are sending an electronic statement: our merchants may receive the statement on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis (available formats: HTML, CSV and XML).


When installing POS terminals of UniCredit Bank, we also provide the staff working in card processing units (shops) with training on the rules of accepting bank cards and the proper use of bank card processing terminals.


(The card acceptance service of UniCredit Bank provides high technology standards and safe solution at favorable commissions for business customers.)


In case of terminals’ failure, they are serviced by the bank on workdays within 24 hours (if necessary: with replacement of the terminal). In order to ensure smooth and professional card processing activity, UniCredit Bank provides free maintenance service – available at local tariff rates- in 24 hours which gives support in any operational questions.


Customer information


If you needed more information about this service, please contact our staff at UniCredit bank branches or call UniCredit Call Center - available 24 hours a day at local rates-at 06-40 / 50-40-50.


Contactless Card Acceptance

The contactless method of payment – developed by the two largest card schemes, MasterCard and Visa mainly for low value transactions- provides a fast and secure alternative to replace small amount cash purchases. Furthermore, by now it has become the most innovative method for the payment of the consideration of goods or services for transactions of any amount.


Owing to radio frequency identification all that is required to complete a payment with a contactless enabled device is that the holder of the contactless card holds the card in-front of the reader, having checked the amount of the purchase displayed on the cash register. After that, the payment transaction gets approved within a few seconds.

The electronic payment tool enabled for contactless may not only be a bank card, but also, for example, a sticker, a key ring, a wristwatch or even a mobile phone.


The most important benefits of the contactless acceptance for you:

  • Faster service (according to MasterCard waiting time is significantly reduced by fast transactions below the soft limit*. Transaction takes maximum 5 seconds).
  • Attracts new customers owing to the payment experience; the overall turnover may increase.
  • The amount of cash handled by employees is reduced; it may even fully replace the turnover of small change, resulting in fewer errors when giving change.
  • The costs and risks arising from the use of cash are reduced.
  • The customers can find you easily in the list of MasterCard PayPass™ merchants, which is constantly being extended with stores accepting PayPass™.
  • This ensures the acceptance of any other contactless payment tools not issued in bank card format (e.g. stickers or wristwatches) that are becoming more and more popular and are being issued by several Hungarian banks.


* Currently MasterCard PayPass™ and Maestro PayPass™ contactless acceptance are ensured on the POS devices installed by UniCredit Bank, Visa Paywave acceptance will be introduced by 1st of April, 2015.

** Soft limit is the amount which below contactless transaction can be performed without entering the PIN code.  In this case receipt should be printed only for the explicit request of the cardholder, which may result a more quicker transactional procedure. Soft limit in Hungary is 15000 HUF. Above the soft limit contactless transaction can be performed by entering the PIN code.

Virtual Card Acceptance (VPOS)

Through its internet based virtual bank card acceptance services UniCredit Bank provides a modern, secure, and quick method for executing online bank card payments. The role of physical POS terminals is replaced in webshops by virtual card accepting terminals that can be reached via the internet.


UniCredit Bank offers to its Partners the most wide-spread, modern and safe virtual card acceptance technology. All transaction participants can hold only the information relevant for them, which mean that data security is ensured predominantly by the separation of data. The use of the system ensures that the data related to the customer, the purchase, the product and the service can only be obtained by the merchant, while bank card data can only be obtained by UniCredit Bank. After the authorization of the transaction, the merchant is only informed of the fact whether the purchase was successful or not. It shall not receive information on the data content of the website executing the payment.


The application of the virtual POS service ensures the following advantages:

  • checks automatically whether the bank card offered for acceptance is included in the black list;
  • verifies the number and expiry of the bank card;
  • automatically requests approval from the authorization centre of UniCredit Bank for every transaction, whereby it verifies the availability of sufficient funds on the account(s) related to the bank card offered for payment in each and every case;
  • Automatically performs the electronic settlement (at midnight) with the financial institutions issuing the bank card; however, this requires automatic closure of the business day.
  • Minimizes the risk of fraud related to bank cards by continuously monitoring bank cards and individual transactions.


3D Secure – The guarantee of the safe bankcard acceptance

UniCredit Bank’s Virtual POS service applies the 3D Secure safety solution, which was developed and introduced by international card companies MasterCard and Visa. 3D Secure provides maximum security and can be identified by the MasterCard Secure Code and the Verified by Visa logos.


The 3D Secure solution has several advantages for the merchant because:

  • It increases customers’ confidence in web stores;
  • It reduces the risk of online fraud;
  • The issuing bank assumes liability for any transactions potentially queried by the Cardholder: the risk cannot be assigned to the merchant.

In order for card processing activity to work in a continuous and professional way, UniCredit Bank operates a technical call center available 24 hours at local tariff rates, providing overall support in the event of any question you may have concerning online bank card processing. (Tel: 06-40/10-17-17)


Virtual POS service information

vPOS terminal application tasks, steps of the process 

The process of connecting to a new vPOS platform

If you needed more information about this service, please contact our staff at UniCredit bank branches or call UniCredit Call Center - available 24 hours a day at local rates-at 06-40 / 50-40-50.

UniCredit Business Debit Cards

UniCredit Bank Hungary offers the following debit cards to its clients:


What benefits these debit cards offer to our clients?

  • You can set cash withdrawal and purchase limits for each card individually.
  • Instead of your current account, a separated account can be set up for the card with a balance set by you.
  • Your employees don’t have to carry cash.
  • In the event of the card is lost or stolen, it can immediately be blocked in Hungary or abroad to avoid unauthorized use.
  • In the event of loss or theft of the card, you can request a replacement card and also have the option for urgent cash withdrawal.


Unique advantages offered by UniCredit:

It is a unique service of our bank on the Hungarian market that more than one HUF and/or FX account can be linked to the cards. In this case, you decide about the settlement of debits. One option is that the debiting can take place in a previously specified order: first the first given account, then the second account – once the collateral of the first account is depleted –, and so on. The other option is that the debiting can take place in the account of the settlement currency. This means the domestic debits are settled in the HUF account, and foreign debits in the FX account. This service is especially useful for clients who use their card both in Hungary and abroad as conversion costs can be greatly reduced, if not entirely avoided. With a separate fee for account setting, there is also an option for fee settlement.


The settlement currency for MasterCard bank cards in the case of domestic transactions is HUF, in case of transactions initiated in USD the settlement currency is USD, in all other cases the settlement currency is EUR. If the settlement currency and the currency of the account to be debited differ, the conversion occurs at the exchange rates used by the bank on the date of the debiting.


Available services from 18 December 2023:

  • Free-of-charge entry to the Mastercard Airport Lounge at Lisz Ferenc Airport in Budapest;
  • You can use the fast track;
  • Free of charge entry to the high quality SKY Lounge and VIENNA Lounge of the Vienna Airport;You can digitally browse in PressReader and read various magazines and quarterlies in English Hungarian and other langues free of charge;
  • You can use the Premium services of  MÜPA available to all premium cardholders;
  • Business Bonus program offers a number of. services to ease the business administration burden on entreprises.
    Business bonus - Home (

Services available from 1st February 2024:

  • Final Price unites the services of airways, carrental services and hotels on one platform offering the lowest available  prices;
UniCredit Business Credit Cards

UniCredit Bank’s Silver and Gold Business Credit Cards provide your company with a flexible payment option at home and abroad, 24 hours a day. Your company can use the credit limit, denominated in Hungarian Forint, accompanying the UniCredit Business Credit Card, for the settlement of any type of cost, procurement, or expenses which arise during employee business trips while your own funds continue to accumulate interest in your checking account. If you only use your Business Credit Card for purchases and repay your charged spending in full by the allotted deadline, you can use your credit limit interest free for up to 45 days.

What benefits does the UniCredit Bank Business Credit Card provide?

  • The credit card can be used at points of purchase bearing the MasterCard logo, ATM machines and bank branches in Hungary and abroad for payment and cash withdrawals alike. Cash may be withdrawn in the amount of 50% of your credit limit.
  • The collateral for the Business Credit Card is your company’s credit limit which the Bank determines based on the credit rating of your company.
  • You have only to apply for the credit limit once; the amount used from the credit limit and repaid can be used again and again.
  • Transactions conducted with the credit card are interest free for a maximum of 45 days if your company uses the Business Credit Card for purchases only and repays the entire amount due by the deadline.
  • In case of a debit bankcard, you can spend only from the credit balance of your bank account, with a credit card you can settle your debt later, while your credit balance bears interest.
  • Your company only has to make the minimum repayment by the last day of the grace period. You can freely choose the date and amount of payment for the remainder of the utilised limit.
  • You can use the automatic repayment service of the bank for the repayment of the minimum amount or the total amount of your used balance from your UniCredit bank account.
  • All of your employees can apply for a Business Credit Card in order to take advantage of the credit limit at your company’s disposal. Your company’s employees can freely use the credit limit approved for your company for purchases and cash withdrawals in Hungary and abroad.
  • Different monthly limits can be set for Business Credit Cards issued to your company’s employees up to the total amount of the credit limit.
  • With the help of the account statement sent by the Bank on the settlement date, your company can keep precise track of the purchases and cash withdrawals made by your employees during the given period.
  • UniCredit Bank’s SMS service is available upon request for all Business Credit Cards. This helps you to make use of the card even more secure as your employees can immediately be notified in the form of a text message of all transactions conducted with their Business Credit Cards. All booked transactions conducted with Business Credit Cards can also be monitored through the SpectraNet Internet bank system.
  • With the travel insurance provided as part of the UniCredit Silver and Gold Business Credit Cards, your company’s employees can travel safely to every country in the world. The UniCredit Gold Business Credit Card also comes with domestic accident insurance.
  • The credit card will be blocked by the Bank immediately after the Cardholder’s notice to the Bank; and the Bank provides you a replacement card free of charge in Hungary.
  • Protection against unauthorized use of the credit card: when purchasing on the Internet, after entering the usual card data, the Bank sends a unique code (internet security code) via SMS to the phone number provided by the Cardholder and the Cardholder must enter it in the pop-up window.


The UniCredit Business Credit Card’s credit limit

You can apply for an unlimited amount of Business Credit Cards for your employees to the company’s credit limit. UniCredit Bank determines the approved credit limit based on the company’s annual turnover. The entire credit limit is available to the company without any availability fee until it is completely used up. Furthermore, in the event of partial or full repayment, the credit limit will become available again each time, up to the repaid amount.

UniCredit Business Deposit Card

The Deposit Card is our deposit-only card that lets your employees and partners deposit cash – throughout the day – without any transactional costs at any UniCredit Bank’s ATMs. The card can be used only for cash deposits denominated in Hungarian Forint and no other types of transactions are enabled (e.g. purchasing of goods, cash withdrawal, balance inquiry, etc.). Furthermore the owner of the Deposit Card does not have access to the available funds and the does not receive any information about the current balance at the end of the debit transaction.

More information

Smart Data – Integrated bankcard data-feed

UniCredit Hungary was the first on the Hungarian market to offer value-added solution to the Mastercard Smart Data Platform.


What is Smart Data?

MasterCard Smart Data is a market-leader global MIS solution for commercial payment systems, allowing your company to gather information on a daily basis on the person having used the Mastercard corporate bankcard along with information on the time, the location and the purpose of use. The platform is built on the unique MasterCard Global Data Repository (GDR) to capture and package commercial card data with feeds from the issuing financial institutions, processors, acquirers and merchants. Data is transmitted via direct File Delivery feeds that integrate seamlessly with dozens of internal or third-party expense management and accounting systems.

How does the service work?

When you or your employees use a Mastercard payment tool, robust data on the purchase is captured and automatically combined with detailed information to be transferred automatically to the selected ERP system supported by the Smart Data Platform.

Smart Data will enable your company to accurately integrate transaction data into any existing accounting system without the need for any change. MasterCard Smart Data consolidates card transaction data and can transmit even to the company’s expense management solution provider.

Which ERP systems are supported by the service?

MasterCard developed dozens of various interfaces for the most well-known accounting or expense management systems such as SAP, Concur, Xpenditure to ensure the transformation of the data that need to be fed into your accounting or ERP system.

What are the benefits?

Your company will have up-to-date information about card transaction details, since these are transferred to the Smart Data GDR on a daily basis.

The file structure will be in the format that your ERP system can automatically process. It will make your reconciliation and booking process easier: automatic File Delivery to your accounting system in a compatible format Manual processing becomes redundant, thus increasing efficiency and helping optimize the accounting flow Since MasterCard ensures that the file is compatible with your specific accounting system, no development on your side is required.

Who do we recommend the Smart Data service to?

  • For companies using one of the supported ERP systems and aiming to automatize the accounting process of card transactions
  • For companies where more than 10 commercial bankcards are granted to employees who use their cards frequently
  • If cardholders often travel abroad and such business trips may involve foreign currency transactions the settlement of which requires a more efficient solution


Please contact your relationship manager for further information and list of supported ERP systems available in the service.

Spinning wheel animation


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