Joint and several guarantee by Garantiqa
The joint and several guarantee by Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt. is available with favourable fees for SMEs to short or long term loans, bank guarantee facilities, and factoring with max. 1 year term. The guarantee is subsidized and available for 80% of the commitment.
Further details here
Garantiqa Portfolio Guarantee
On the basis of the cooperation agreement concluded between UniCredit Bank and Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt. the guarantee is applicable also by a simplified process for any commitment type.
Further details here
Garantiqa COSME guarantee
The Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt. offers a unique guarantee in the framework of the European Investment Fund (EIF) COSME programme to SMEs. The guarantee is fixed 85% or fixed 90% of the loan amount, it has no state aid content and available also for agricultural or exporting companies without any limitation.
Further details here
Garantiqa Economic Recovery Guarantee Programme
The Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt. offers own risk guarantee in the framework of the Economic Recovery Guarantee Programme to companies qualified as small and medium sized-enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises. The rate of Garantiqa Economic Recovery Guarantee is maximum 80% of the amount of the loan and has no state aid content, so it is also available for enterprises having used all of their subsidy limit or being not eligible for state aid.
Further details here
The EIF (European Investment Fund) provides a guarantee to SME’s and Small Mid-Caps pursuant to the facility agreement concluded with UniCredit Bank Hungary.
The InvestEU guarantee is provided with the financial backing of the European Union and aims to support innovation and digitalisation driven enterprises, by enhancing access to finance to R&I intensive beneficiaries (SMEs and Small Mid-Caps) as well as to boost sustainable investments.
If the company is eligible for the loan and for the EIF InvestEU guarantee, there is no need for a separate guarantee approval by EIF, the guarantee is automatically provided subject to approriate documentation of the eligibility and signed and valid loan agreement.
In line with the terms of the agreement with EIF our Bank facilitates the inclusion of loans in
- Innovation and Digitalisation Guarantee Product (for implementing new technologies, financing innovation and the digital transition of enterprises) and
- Sustainability Guarantee Product (for „green” investments complying with the criteria of the product)
Should you be interested in our InvestEU offer please contact your relationship manager or write an e-mail to
Rural Credit Guarantee Foundation (AVHGA)
The Rural Credit Guarantee Foundation aims at issuing on-demand guarantees to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which are engaged in the agricultural sector or whose activity is related to a rural area in order to access finance. Further details here
EXIM Compensation Loan Protection Program
Eximbank assists SMEs and large companies through joint and several guarantee in overcoming their liquidity difficulties arisen due to the outbreak of the corona virus pandemic, maintaining the viability of the enterprises and providing the continuity of their economic activity.
Further details here
EXIM guarantee
In the frame of Export Promoting Credit Program Eximbank provides guarantees to commercial banks for the loans refinanced by Eximbank supporting access to finance of domestic medium and large enterprises
Further details here