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Information about a CHANGED DEADLINE in connection with the development of the SpectraNet service, the termination of the SpectraNet Mobile Banking service and the related contract amendment


Dear Customer!

In our letter dated September 23, 2022 (Contract amendment), we informed you that we are implementing a version change in the SpectraNet Internet Banking system. As far as that the new SpectraNet Internet Banking service will be fully and conveniently capable to use on a mobile device, it will no longer be necessary for you to use a separate service optimized for mobile devices - we wrote in that letter.

The information also stated that we will close the SpectraNet Mobile Banking service, and at the same time we will amend your SpectraNet Mobile Banking service contract, so that after the amendment comes into effect, you are entitled to use the SpectraNet Internet Banking service with mobile functionality instead of the SpectraNet Mobile Banking service, - with essentially unchanged conditions.

We set November 25, 2022 as the deadline for the contract amendment.

In this letter, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the date of the amendment has been changed to March 25, 2023!

In connection with the above, we would like to inform you that UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt. (head office: 1054 Budapest, Szabadság tér 5-6, hereinafter: Bank) - due to changes in the IT environment related to the development of the SpectraNet Internet Banking system - with will come to effect as of March 25, 2023 unilaterally amends the SpectraNet Mobile Banking service contract in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Amendment.

We would like to inform you that if you accept our contract amendments for the SpectraNet Mobile Banking service, you do not have to do anything. This means that if you do not inform our bank that you do not accept the amendment or notify us of its acceptance until the day before the amendment takes effect, then we will consider it as an accepted amendment by you and the amendment to your contract will enter into force on the above date.


If you do not accept the amendment and notify our bank in writing, you still have two options:

1.     You may terminate your contract for the relevant service with immediate effect until the day before the amendment enters into force, and you may do so without incurring any fees, costs or other payment obligations.

2.     If you indicate in writing that you do not accept the amendments, but do not cancel your framework contract affected by the amendment, this will also be considered a termination of your contract with immediate effect according to point 1.


We would like to inform you that the measures described above are in accordance with the requirements of the laws in force.

Budapest, November 17, 2022.

Best regards,

UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.

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