This information is not comprehensive and does not constitute a contractual offer. The detailed description of the account and deposit agreement, products and services are included in the announcements and lists of conditions of UniCredit Bank for Private Customers, the General Terms and Conditions, as well as the General Business Conditions for Private Customers and the Bank Card Terms and Conditions. The bank reserves the right to amend the conditions.
Contact info of Főnix-MED Zrt.:
Phone: +36 1 599 9972
Address: 1125 Budapest, Diós árok 1–3.
1 According to Section 44/A (1) of Act CXVII of 1995 on personal income tax, the amount transferred from the tax to the health fund account is considered as a tax allowance, taking into account that the allowance used from the voluntary mutual insurance funds cannot exceed HUF 150,000 in the tax year. You can utilise it if the tax of your aggregate tax base for the tax year provides coverage on the deduction of the tax allowances, the tax has been paid to the tax authority and the other conditions for it as included in the PIT Act also prevail.
2 Credits related to the Aktív discount connected to the Egészség account package are performed twice a year, in January and July, as specified in the list of conditions for the Egészség account package and the Egészség loan. The sum of the annual, monthly and transaction fees charged for the Egészség account package and included in the List of Conditions for Private Customers and the pertaining appendices, and of the interest rates paid by the account holder on the retail loans disbursed by the bank serve as a basis for the credits. In the course of the crediting—twice a year—15% of the fees and interest charged, maximum HUF 5,000, will be credited in each case to the client’s bank account, and the amount will automatically be transferred to the Medicina Health Fund. When the amount to be credited is specified, it will be a precondition for taking the amount of interest paid into account that the account holder should not have any arrears in the period under review. This promotional offer is valid until withdrawn. If the balance of the account is negative when the amount to be credited is determined, the client will not be entitled to any credits.
3 The authorisation for the transfers to the individual health fund account shall be signed upon the conclusion of the contract.
4 The standard fee for bank card purchases is 0.3% or no more than HUF 6,000, which will not be charged by the bank as a special offer. In addition to the transaction fee, in the bank account package a booking entry fee is also charged for each transaction debited to the bank account. The standard fee is 0.2% of the transaction amount, or no more than HUF 6,000. As a special offer, the bank will not charge the fee indicated above as long as the promotion is effective. Text messages about the transactions on and the items credited to the account are provided free of charges by the bank as a promotional offer until withdrawn. The standard fee for text messages is HUF 36 per message. All promotional offers are valid until withdrawn.
5 Fee calculation method: 0.01% of the monthly amounts credited and debited to the bank account but minimum the amount indicated above. As a special offer the bank will not charge any amount exceeding the minimum amount indicated above. The discount is valid until withdrawn.
6 The standard issuer fee for a Mastercard Unembossed contactless bank card and secondary card is HUF 2,500; the standard issuer fee for a Mastercard Standard and Visa Classic bank card is HUF 4,900, the standard membership fee for the Mastercard Unembossed contactless secondary card is HUF 3,300. In an Egészség account package, the bank will charge the fee discount instead of the standard fees as a special offer. This promotion applies only to one primary card at a discount issuer fee and one Mastercard Unembossed contactless secondary card at a discount issuer and membership fee and is valid until withdrawn.
7 Calculation of charges: the standard fee is 0.2% of the deposit, which will not be charged by the bank as a special offer. This promotional offer is valid until withdrawn.