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We are a strong pan-European Group with a simple commercial banking model and a fully plugged in Corporate & Investment Bank, delivering our unique Western, Central and Eastern European network to our extensive client franchise.

We  offer local expertise as well as international reach. We accompany and support our 25 million clients globally, providing them with unparalleled access to our leading banks in 14 core markets as well as to an another 18 countries worldwide.

Our European banking network includes Italy, Germany, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia and Turkey.

Our strategic position in Western and Central and Eastern Europe enables us to command one of highest market shares in the region.

While our brand is recognizable all over Europe, we have preserved the highly valuable local brands of banks that we acquired to form our Group.

About Unicredit Group worldwide presence you can read about here1.

1 Please click on the top right corner on the Worldwide presence to find more information.

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