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Let’s talk about discounts!


Partnership and cooperation can bring many advantages to our everyday lives. Take the opportunity to receive discounts as a Partner of UniCredit Bank!

What does the Partner Service offer?

Discount packages for the employees of the Partner companies, which include discounts for weekdays as well as for important moments!

Choose the one that suits you best from the account packages described below and open your account with the help of UniCredit’s Mobile banker.



Bank account with a monthly fixed or even to zero reducible account handling fee (by fee refund)1. With an unlimited number of discounted transactions through digital channels, for active bank card users. UDRI: 0,01%

Partner Aktív Nulla bank account:

  • Account handling fee: 0-1 569 HUF/month1

The account package includes the following free services:

  • E-account statement
  • mBanking mobile application service2
  • eBanking internet banking service
  • Telephone bank – Telephone banking service
  • Transfer order (both intra and inter-bank) via UniCredit mBanking application
  • MasterCard Standard bank card first main card's issuing fee / membership fee in the first year3
  • First monthly cash withdrawal from UniCredit ATM within the country, and first monthly cash withdrawal from any other ATM within the country4

Related and effective List of Conditions and Announcements:

It is important that you familiarize yourself with all the contractual conditions related to account opening and related services before concluding a contract. Therefore, please open or save the following documents and read them carefully:

Convenience services

  • Service by Mobile Banker



Bank account with a monthly fixed or even to zero reducible account handling fee (by fee refund)1. With an unlimited number of discounted transactions through digital channels, for active bank card users, who are happy to set aside larger sums and the security of the future is important to them. UDRI: 0,01%

Partner Ikon Plusz bank account:

  • Account handling fee: 0 - 6 396 HUF/month6

The account package includes the following free services:

  • E-account statement
  • mBanking mobile application service7
  • eBanking internet banking service8
  • Telephone bank – Telephone banking service
  • Direct debit orders5
  • Standing transfer orders5
  • Transfer order (both intra and inter-bank) in HUF submitted electronically5
  • Unlimited number of cash withdrawal from any ATM within the country9

Related and effective List of Conditions and Announcements:

It is important that you familiarize yourself with all the contractual conditions related to account opening and related services before concluding a contract. Therefore, please open or save the following documents and read them carefully:

Convenience services

  • Service by Mobile Banker



Free transactions in unlimited number, convenience services without monthly fee and even a to zero reducible account handling fee (by fee refund)10. Loans, insurance, investment offers with unique discounts. UDRI: 0,01%

Partner Prestige account package

Ideal if special attention is important to you.

Account handling fee: 0 - 8 000 HUF/hó10

The account package includes the following free services:

  • E-account statement
  • mBanking mobile application service
  • eBanking internet banking service
  • Telephone bank – Telephone banking service
  • Direct debit orders and standing transfer orders
  • Transfer orders (both intra and inter-bank) in HUF submitted electronically
  • Unlimited number of cash withdrawal from any ATM within the country
  • SMS Service and SMSs related to bank account and bank card
  • Mastercard Standard bank card issuing fee and membership fee
  • Mastercard Gold bank card issuing fee and membership fee

Related and effective List of Conditions and Announcements:

It is important that you familiarize yourself with all the contractual conditions related to account opening and related services before concluding a contract. Therefore, please open or save the following documents and read them carefully:

Additional discounts

  • 3 % interest in case of 2-month term deposit in HUF as part of a promotion11
  • Discounted stock orders12

Convenience services

  • Service by Mobile Banker



Bank account with no account handling fee and free cash withdrawal guaranteed by the law in case of place of residence in Hungary. UDRI: 0,01%

Partner Uno Plusz bank account:

  • Account handling fee: 0 HUF/month

The account package includes the following free services:

  • E-account statement
  • Free cash withdrawal guaranteed by the law from any ATM within the country (monthly first two cash withdrawal up to maximum HUF 150000 altogether)13
  • mBanking mobile application service7
  • Telephone bank – Telephone banking service

Related and effective List of Conditions and Announcements:

It is important that you familiarize yourself with all the contractual conditions related to account opening and related services before concluding a contract. Therefore, please open or save the following documents and read them carefully:

Convenience services

  • Service by Mobile Banker



Have you ever wanted to talk to a professional about your financial needs or get personal advice about banking products outside of bank branch opening hours?

As part of the Partner service, we provide a dedicated banking advisor, a mobile banker, who is also available in person at your workplace, if your employer provides the opportunity, and assists you in switching banks, if you want to take advantage of UniCredit’s discounts from now on.

Mobile bankers are professionals with special training who act on behalf of our bank and visit you at your request, and provide information about our loan products, account management options and other financial services, considering your current financial needs and situation.

At your request, they will personally contribute to the preparation of future bank transactions, monitor the processes, and keep in touch with you.

The service of the Mobile Banker has no additional costs!

This convenient solution (information, administration with the help of a Mobile Banker) is free of charge for you in every case.

Have we piqued your interest?

Contact your Mobile Banker!


Our Partner packages can be opened by employees whose employer has previously entered into a cooperation agreement with our bank regarding these services, and who declare their eligibility to open an account (in case of employees) or prove their eligibility with a Certificate of Employment (in case of those employed in the framework of employee-leasing or workforce mediation).


Sample of Declaration of Eligibility and Certificate of Employment:
Declaration of Eligibility– for Partner account packages
Certificate of Employment – for Partner account packages

The detailed terms and conditions, as well as a detailed description of the bank account agreements and the deposit agreement, are contained in the bank’s current List of Conditions, Announcements and Business Regulations for the given product, which are available on our website and in our bank branches.

The standard management fee of the Partner Active Nulla account package is HUF 1569/month/bank account. The account package management fee will be charged to the client’s account for the relevant month in every case if at least an amount equal to the current minimum wage is credited to the account via transfer in a particular month (excluding transfers between the client’s own accounts), we will credit the bank account with the full sum of the management fee. If the above crediting condition is not fulfilled, we will not refund the management fee. The Bank will not check fulfilment of the above crediting conditions for this account package in the month when the account is opened or in the following month and will not charge the monthly closing fee related to the bank account in these two months.

2 The standard fee is HUF 201 per month, which the Bank does not charge if the client successfully logs into the UniCredit mBanking service at least once in a given calendar month.

The Bank will credit the annual membership fee (HUF 10,395) of the first main card for the first year within 30 calendar days after its debit. The annual membership fee for the first main card is HUF 5,197 in the second year, and HUF 10,395 thereafter. In the case of requesting an additional main card, the issuing fee of every additional main card is HUF 7,832 and the annual membership fee is HUF 10,395.

Cash withdrawals are possible based on the currently effective Bank Card Business Regulations and the List of Conditions for Debit Bank Cards at all times. The first monthly cash withdrawal from UniCredits domestic ATM is free of charge, each additional cash withdrawals cost 1,066%, minimum HUF 393. The first monthly cash withdrawal from any other domestic ATM is free of charge, all additional cash withdrawals cost 1,775% + 892 HUF, minimum HUF 1,190.

5 In addition to the indicated fee, an accounting item fee will be charged, the amount of which is 0,134%, maximum HUF 8,079.

6 The standard account handling fee of the Partner Ikon Plusz account package is 6 396Ft/month/bank account. The handling fee for the given month is always charged to the client’s bank account unless the owner of the account has an overdraft agreement with the bank in the month in question, and this agreement entered into force before the relevant month but no later than 16.05.2019 and is still in effect. In this case the bank only charges a HUF 1 598 handling fee. The discounted fee is part of a promotion, which is provided by the Bank until 31.08.2025 only for account contracts and package changes concluded before 19th of November 2018.

If the customer fulfills any of the following conditions in the relevant month, HUF 3,198 will be credited to the bank account in the following month as part of a promotion:

- at least HUF 200 000 is credited to the account by transfer in the relevant month (excluding transfers between the client’s own accounts),

- The Owner of the account has an average savings balance of at least HUF 5 000 000 in the relavant month based on the closing balances at the end of the days.

In case the Owner of the account has an average savings balance** of at least HUF 30 000 000 in the relavant month based on the closing balances at the end of the days, the full amount of the handling fee will be credited to the account in the following month as part of a promotion. All promotions are valid until 31.08.2025.

**When calculating the savings, the bank takes in account: the daily sight balance of the UniCredit current accounts, the balance of fixed deposits – in the case of a foreign currency converted to HUF at the MNB foreign exchange rate valid on the date in question -, and the current day’s market value of the aggregated closing stock of the securities account kept at UniCredit Bank.

The standard fee is HUF 201/month, which the Bank does not charge as part of a promotion. The promotion is valid until 31.08.2025. In addition, the normal one-time access fee for the Mobile Application service is HUF 2,693, which the Bank doies not charge as a special offer. The promotion is valid until 31.08.2025.

8 The monthly service fee for eBanking is HUF 269/month for SMS login, while the monthly service fee for eBanking is HUF 201/month for Token and mToken login, which fees are waived by the Bank if the customer initiated the opening of the bank account in the online account opening process. The one-time entry fee for the eBanking service is HUF 2,693 Ft which the Bank does not charge as part of a promotion. The promotion is valid until 31.08.2025.

The fee specified above (domestic cash withdrawal) is provided by the Bank on a promotional basis. The promotion is valid until 31.08.2025. The normal (not-discounted) cash withdrawal fee via domestic UniCredit ATM for Maestro, Mastercard Unembossed, Mastercard Standard, Visa Classic, Mastercard Gold, Visa Gold cards: 0,796%, min. HUF 344, for Premium Banking Embossed Mastercard: 0,463%, min. HUF 159. The normal (not-discounted) cash withdrawal fee via domestic UniCredit ATM using mCash service: 1,366%, min. HUF 393. The fee for normal cash withdrawals via other domestic ATM for Maestro, Mastercard Unembossed, Mastercard Standard, Visa Classic, Mastercard Gold, Visa Gold cards: 1,408% + HUF 776, min. HUF 1 040, for Premium Banking Embossed Mastercard: 0,963% + HUF 657, min. HUF 743.

10 The normal management fee for the Package is HUF 8,000/month/bank account. The management fee for the given month is always charged to the Client’s bank account. If at least HUF 600,000 in transfers is credited to the account in the current month (excluding transfers between the client’s own accounts), we will credit the full amount of the management fee to the bank account in the following month. If less than HUF 600,000 but at least HUF 300,000 is credited to the account in the current month (excluding transfers between the client’s own accounts), then HUF 4,000 will be credited to the bank account in the following month. If less than HUF 300,000 but at least HUF 200,000 is credited to the account in the current month (excluding transfers between the client’s own accounts), then HUF 2,000 will be credited to the bank account in the following month. If the above crediting condition is not met, the management fee will not be credited. The Bank will not check fulfilment of the above crediting conditions in the month when the account is opened or in the following month, and it will not charge the monthly management fee related to the bank account in these two months.

11 Our clients with the Partner Prestige account package can get 3,00 % annual interest if they put their savings in HUF in UniCredit’s 2-month term deposit in a promotion! (UDRI: 3,04%; without discount UDRI:0,01%). The condition of the term deposit is that the client increases the amount of his savings with our bank.

The promotion is valid for 2 months starting from the date of the account opening or account package switch and applies to newly placed deposits arriving from outside the bank by private individuals; meaning that the client increases his savings at UniCredit Bank compared to the reference date always specified in the currently effective List of Conditions for Partner Prestige package.

12 The currently effective stock exchange fees can be found in the Retail Announcement and List of Conditions containing the discounts provided to insured persons with Premium Banking and Advanced Premium Banking client status. The current fee is 1.00 %, minimum HUF 3,000.

13The option of free cash withdrawal or cash receipt is provided by the Bank in accordance with § 36/A of Law LXXXV./2009 on the provisions of payment services as well as the provisions of Ministry of National Economy Decree 53/2013 (XI.29.)

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