Széchenyi working capital loan
Dear Client,
Please be informed that the Government Decree no. 47/2020 (III.18.), effective as of 19 March 2020, brought about significant changes in the repayment of existing loans and the pricing of certain new ones. The detailed regulations of the loan moratorium is regulated by the Government Decree no. 62/2020 (III.24.), effective as of 25 March 2020.
Nonetheless, we immediately commenced work to comply with the new government decree (as well as subsequently necessary and expected legislation) for both the relevant loans and repayments. We are currently working on this, and we would like to ask for your patience until we develop and introduce the new terms and conditions complying with the new regulations.
We will notify our clients about the details of the repayment moratorium, essential information and what they need to do on this page which we keep constantly updated.
UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.
Our Széchenyi working capital loan helps in purchasing current assets and/or services required for your operation so your company can benefit from a state-subsidised loan on favourable terms. Given its longer than a year and up to 36-month term, it is an ideal way to finance your working capital without asset collateral.
Please contact our staff at the UniCredit branches for personal credit advice. Our advisors will inform you on the currently effective terms and conditions and the requirements to apply.
Do you need more information? Then click the button below and we will contact you.
This information does not constitute a contractual offer. The detailed conditions are included in the Bank's currently effective 'List of Conditions of the Széchenyi Program for Small Business Clients’. The other conditions are set out in the individual contracts and in the Bank's General Terms of Business. The Bank reserves the right to unilaterally amend the conditions and to grant a loan based on application subject to its own approval process.
1 If a client simultaneously has a Széchenyi Card and Széchenyi working capital loan that is active or is being assessed, the separately contracted loan amounts may not exceed HUF 25 million, and their total may not be higher than HUF 50 million (and the total of the card-type loans + the Széchenyi Card loan cannot exceed HUF 25 million.). If a client has any product falling within the scope of the Széchenyi Card Program that is active or is being assessed simultaneously, their total contracted and requested amount, including the application in progress, may not exceed HUF 150 million.