You can receive your bank account statement simply and conveniently if you choose an electronic bank account statement instead of a paper-based one. This way you do not have to wait for the post; you will not have a pile of paper in your drawer and can always find the statement, whenever you look for it.
What advantages does the e-statement offer you?
QUICK – You can download it from 10 a.m. on the first banking day after the month-end closing.
SAFE – It cannot be lost during delivery and cannot be obtained by unauthorised third parties.
ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY – No paper is needed for its production and so with this solution you protect your environment.
SIMPLE – Easily accessible through the Internet Banking [UniCredit eBanking] and it can be downloaded with one click.
EASY TO STORE – The downloaded statement does not take up space in your drawer and does not get mixed up with bills or other papers.
OFFICIAL – The e-statement is provided with the enhanced security digital signature with time stamp and therefore it is qualified as an accounting record. In terms of content and form the electronic document is the same as the paper-based statement.
How can you apply for electronic account statements?
The application is very easy: one click through the Internet Banking [UniCredit eBanking] and it will be available for you in our system in the following month.
You can also apply for it through our advisors in the branches.
If you would like to return to paper-based account statements, you can direct your request to our advisors at any time.
Do you like arranging your banking transactions electronically?
We would like to draw your attention to our other services with which you can arrange your finances conveniently and quickly, and so you do not have to fit in with the opening hours of the branches.
With our Internet Banking [UniCredit eBanking] service, you can access your bank account without entering the branch, even from abroad.
With our Mobile Banking[UniCredit Mobile Application]service, you can get updates of your finances on your smart phone.
You can keep track of your account balance or bankcard transactions with our [text message (SMS) service].