You can search your sent orders through SpectraNet Internet Banking system.
You will have to use the Search the Order menu point to do this.
You can filter for type of transaction, sending date, name of partner, account number, value of order and announcement.
If you do not give search conditions, the system will show all orders sent in. If you enter more than one search condition only the orders meeting all conditions will appear.
You can search for text segments at the account number, and announcement meaning that not only orders matching the conditions exactly will appear but also the ones containing them.
For instance if the search condition at the partner's name is Kiss, the results will include Kiss János and Kiss Kft as well.
The list of results contains orders with their most important data. If you wish to view a specific order, click on its line. A new window will popup, containing the data, signatories and status of the order.
As many transactions will appear on one result page as you have set at the Default account numbers.
You can browse the results with the Previous and Next buttons.