The extension of the name of the order file contained in the floppy disk must be ''.PUT'', and the file must be in the main directory.
The file must not be transformed by any kind of compacting or encoding program!
Order files consist of one header record, and one or more data records.
The length of the header record must be 80 bytes. The length of data records is constant, 200 bytes.
The following abbreviations are used in the record descriptions:
No.: serial number of the field within the record;
VALUE: the field should be filled with a fixed value, or (in case of '-') any of the values shown;
NUM: numerical field (it can only contain numerals, and no spaces);
ALPN: alphanumerical field (it can contain numerals, spaces and alphabetical characters according to CP-852);
M: this field must be filled:
in case of numerical fields, its value may not be
in case of alphanumerical fields, the left-hand side byte of the field may not be a space;
O: filling is optional:
in case of numerical fields, its value may be 0;
in case of alphanumerical fields, the left-hand side byte of the field may be a space.
The following table shows the structure of the header record.
1. ALPN 8 M ID of sender
2. ALPN 1 ''E''-''M'' "E"-original "M"-duplicate
3. NUM 3 O Date of receipt (serial No. of day)
4. NUM 2 O Serial number of item
5. NUM 1 ''1'' Sender printed ("1"-Yes)
6. NUM 2 ''81'' Certificate type
7. NUM 1 ''0''-''1'' List of senders ("1"-Yes,"0"-No)
8. NUM 6 M Number of collected items
9. NUM 16 M Collected amount
10. NUM 12 O Collected fee
11. NUM 16 O Coverage
12. NUM 12 12(''0'') Reserve
Field 2:
The indicators 'E' (=original) and 'M' (=duplicate) will not affect the course of processing.
Fields 3 and 4:
If the field is filled, it must contain correct data.
Field 3 shows the serial number of the day rendered to the receipt of the item in the given year, and field 4 shows the serial number of the item within the given day.
If the content of fields 3 and 4 is identical with the content of fields 3 and 4 of any previously processed item, the bank shall refuse to process the new data file. If the value of any of the fields is 0, its content shall be determined and filled by the bank.
Field 8:
This field contains the number of the data records of the order file. This number must be identical with that of actually imported data records. In case the number of data records does not match the number included here, the bank shall refuse to process the data file.
Field 9:
This field contains the total amount of the order file in forints, without decimal digits.
This amount must be identical with the amount specified before the import of the floppy, as well as with the amount calculated in the course of import.
In case the grand total line is filled incorrectly or shows a wrong amount, the bank shall refuse to process the data file.
Fields 10 and 11:
The bank shall overwrite the content of these fields.
The following table describes the structure of the data records.
Field name, description
1. ALPN 24 O ID of addressee
2. ALPN 24 M Name of addressee 1
3. ALPN 24 O Name of addressee 2
4. ALPN 24 M Destination
5. ALPN 24 M Street and number
6. NUM 4 M ZIP code
7. NUM 9 M Amount
8. NUM 6 O Fee
9. ALPN 10 O Narrative 1
10. ALPH 10 O Narrative 2
11. ALPN 10 O Narrative 3
12. ALPN 1 O Result of processing
13. ALPN 6 O Date of receipt
14. ALPN 4 O Checksum
15. ALPN 8 O Postal reference No.
16. ALPN 12 O 12"("0") Reserved
Field 7:
Amount of the order in forints, without decimal digits.
Field 8:
Transfer fee shall be filled by the bank, on the basis of postal tariffs.
Field 12:
The result of postal processing ("0"-correct, "1"-deficient) shall be set by the bank or PEK (Postal Clearing Centre). If the deficiency is already established in the course of processing at the bank, this data record shall not be forwarded to the postal system, and the header record of the file forwarded to the postal system shall be modified with the data of the rejected data record.
Fields 13, 14 and 15:
The value of these fields is set by PEK in the scope of the processing of payment orders.